Sunday, April 5, 2020

Constructing the post virus world: Thoughts for the sector

In these uncertain times of Covid19, as humanity navigates anxiety, distance, sickness and financial insecurity, our work in the social sector is needed more than ever.  Even as I seek ways to be helpful, I am traversing, (in my mind, while maintaining social distance), both the now and the next of the crisis…and considering the conditions that will equip us for what lies ahead.


Amidst drastically reduced capacity and financing, the post Covid19 reality will demand more vital and creative alliances.

Even before Covid19, many nonprofit leaders, particularly groundbreakers focused on driving social justice and equity, craved genuine connection -- authentic, sustained opportunities to talk, plan and partner together. These leaders too often find themselves in environments of isolation and competition, consumed by the tactical work of running a nonprofit business and its ceaseless mandates of fundraising, operations, talent management and donor cultivation. They know that strategic alliances and collaborative innovation are essential to addressing the complex social problems that are the impetus of their work. Yet the mental, physical and intellectual demands of their obligations leave them scant time for all but superficial and competitive relationships (and unfortunately philanthropy helps to fuel this competition-more on that in my next post).


Post Covid19 times will demand a recalibration of social impact.  Seeking to present themselves worthy of attention and investment, nonprofits have for some time now attempted to adopt corporate principles and buzz words - “Strategic” “Outcomes” Deliverables” among others. To be clear, I believe that it is essential for our sector to employ data-driven strategy and operations and to be able to articulate results.  Yet for nonprofits, these “borrowed” terms and their implied connotations cannot be the only and most important drivers; and the search for acceptance and value cannot be stripped from an unrelenting stance of equity and fairness. When engaging in community, work will not neatly conform to business metrics: action will just as oft be intuitive as strategic; implementation about the process as much as the outcome; results revealed rather than delivered.  As we move through this pandemic, we must honestly and boldly demand the entire sector, including funders and nonprofit boards, to appreciate this duality.  


To do well, we must be well. Moving forward, I believe the first commitment we must make is to require compassion and empathy for ourselves and others. The work of building strong, equitable communities is hard. We can force it, fake it and make it for a while, but the sector must also become skilled at creating nurturing, holistic environments that affirm our role and value. Only in this environment can we establish the basis for the novel world before us…one which requires us to be fully authentic, honest and straightforward.

Nonprofits will be the lamp that lights community's path beyond Covid19 to our nation’s collective metamorphosis. Now is our time to get this right.